MP3 JukeBox home page


mp3jb is a simple program intended to make easy playing your favorite MP3 songs present on your hard disk. It may be used in a few ways, basically: direct file playing, like many other players, and database playing, where you may use filters to specify which files to play.


The program uses an external program (by now, hardwired as "mpg321") to actually play songs. By now, what it really does is to handle the playing list. It has two working modes: direct (plays songs in some directory), and database (plays songs already known to it).

Database playing is the most powerful facility, as it allows you to select songs based on partial matching of song title, artist name, album name... being pretty handy when you have hundreds of songs stored on your disk.


Oh, yes, didn't I mention? It works in Linux systems (and probably in other unices). Uses the proc filesystem, so be sure you have it on your system (99.99% systems have it enabled). It is a small trick, though, so you may modify sources to avoid using it, if you really need so...


This is not an ambitious project, it is just a small gadget to make life easier. But there are a few features that I pretend to implement in some near future:


Project is at, you can find downloadable sources there. Logo